A.R. Klassen
Gunslingers of Dodge City
I am a Southern Alberta boy in the heart of cattle country, so it was a no brainer to write a western!
Good-day, I am A R Klassen; I was born in March 1983, in Medicine Hat, Alberta. I currently reside in High Prairie, Alberta, with my wife, Katie, where we plan on raising our family.

I am currently published with CreateSpace. For me, writing is soothing. When I am having a rough day, I take a pen with paper and I write. Sometimes its about nothing, other times it has

I currently have three projects on the go: the Dalan magazine that I am writing for, a series of short stories and my second novel.
What lies ahead in the future? Well, right now I am taking things one day at a time, but I would like to get published with this novel which I am currently working on. Once that is done, I have other writing projects I would like to do. I also would like to write a children’s book.
I would like to hear from the readers. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. I can be contacted via e-mail or by postal mail. My e-mail is ar@arklassen.com
Or reach me at:
A R Klassen
Box 573
High Prairie, Alberta
Web design by Will Woodgate